How student-centered learning is making a difference in education

Student-centered learning is a term used to describe a variety of teaching methods that shift the focus of instruction from teacher to student. According to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), student-centered learning “moves students from passive receivers of information to active participants in their own discovery process.” What might this look like? […]
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The financial aspects of managing an athletics/activities program

One of the most important aspects of athletic director (AD) jobs, especially at the collegiate level is related to finances. ADs are often responsible for managing athletics department budgets and ensuring department coaches stay within their budget parameters. That’s why one of the courses that MEd in Athletics/Activities Administration students take at William Woods University […]
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Why marketing skills matter for athletics administration students

If you are earning a Master of Education (MEd) in Athletics/Activities Administration at William Woods University, one of the areas covered in the program curriculum is marketing and public relations. Athletic directors, especially those at the collegiate levels, are often tasked with overseeing marketing of their athletic program and working to increase media visibility of […]
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Beyond business-savvy: Crucial lessons for leadership in athletics administration

The Master of Education (MEd) in Athletics/Activities Administration at William Woods University is known for providing a significant number of leaders in the athletic field across Missouri’s state school system. But what does it take to become an effective leader in athletics administration and how does that differ from leadership in other fields, like business? […]
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6 Reasons why teaching is a great career choice

It seems that everywhere you turn these days, there is an article about teacher burnout, issues with the current education system, or lack of parental or administrative support for teachers. While many of these articles speak to the true challenges teachers face every day, what gets lost or muted is that many teachers love their […]
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Professional networking tips for education students

Career networking is often touted as an important aspect of advancing one’s career. A recent LinkedIn survey finds that “70 percent of people in 2016 were hired at a company where they had a connection.” However, for William Woods education majors, networking can be more than a job search technique. Having a diverse and active […]
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Current Issues and Common Challenges in Athletics/Activities Administration

One of the courses that Master of Education in Athletics/Activities Administration students take at William Woods is EDU 524 – Current Issues/Common Challenges. This course provides students with a broad understanding of common challenges and issues they will face as athletics directors in the local and state educational community as well as on the national […]
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How athletics/activities administrators can help ensure children and teens meet the daily physical activity requirements

The importance of physical activity for K-12 students cannot be undermined. Research shows that students who are physically active are more likely to get higher grades in school, have regular attendance, and have better overall cognitive performance. Yet, many U.S. children and adolescents do not get the daily recommended amount of physical activity. According to […]
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Teacher absenteeism and reimagining substitute teaching

According to a 2014 study by the National Council on Teacher Quality, teachers miss an average of 11 days out of a school year due to illness, illness of a loved one, professional development or other personal reasons. For students, this means that throughout their K-12 experience, six to 10 percent of their instruction is […]
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What you can see at the National Teachers Hall of Fame

A four-hour drive from Fulton, Missouri, the National Teachers Hall of Fame might be a place to visit before summer’s end. Aspiring teachers, including bachelors in education students at William Woods University, can encounter interesting school artifacts, teacher resources and stories about some of the nation’s top educators. Known as Teacher Town USA, Emporia, Kansas […]
Posted in Books & Resources, Education News
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