
6 Reasons why teaching is a great career choice

William Woods EDU

It seems that everywhere you turn these days, there is an article about teacher burnout, issues with the current education system, or lack of parental or administrative support for teachers. While many of these articles speak to the true challenges teachers face every day, what gets lost or muted is that many teachers love their […]


March 28th, 2018

Posted in Education At Work

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Teachers’ point of view: An inside look at a teaching career

William Woods EDU

An ongoing project by Scholastic Corporation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation known as Primary Sources, gathers opinions of thousands of teachers across the U.S. as a way of informing policymakers, the media and public on the ground realties faced by educators. While the goal of the project is to ensure that teachers’ voices […]


October 9th, 2017

Posted in Education At Work, Education News

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