
Useful tips for how to bring the Maker Movement into your classroom

William Woods EDU

In a previous Look Into Education blog, we discussed the Maker Movement and how it is beginning to be utilized more and more in education curriculum. More than just technical knowledge, making creates room for creativity and ingenuity, and teaches students valuable skills like problem-solving, perseverance, and resourcefulness. The question for education majors preparing to […]


June 19th, 2017

Posted in Curriculum Advances

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Education students investigate the practice of learning through making

William Woods EDU

As a culture of innovation and DIY (do-it-yourself) continues to grow in our country and the Maker Movement gains momentum, we examine how educators can take this new learning model and integrate it into their classrooms. “The Maker Movement is rediscovering learning by doing,” says Dale Dougherty, one of the founding fathers of the Maker […]


June 16th, 2017

Posted in Curriculum Advances

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