
Useful tips for how to bring the Maker Movement into your classroom

William Woods EDU

In a previous Look Into Education blog, we discussed the Maker Movement and how it is beginning to be utilized more and more in education curriculum. More than just technical knowledge, making creates room for creativity and ingenuity, and teaches students valuable skills like problem-solving, perseverance, and resourcefulness. The question for education majors preparing to […]


June 19th, 2017

Posted in Curriculum Advances

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Education students investigate the practice of learning through making

William Woods EDU

As a culture of innovation and DIY (do-it-yourself) continues to grow in our country and the Maker Movement gains momentum, we examine how educators can take this new learning model and integrate it into their classrooms. “The Maker Movement is rediscovering learning by doing,” says Dale Dougherty, one of the founding fathers of the Maker […]


June 16th, 2017

Posted in Curriculum Advances

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Education students learn the importance of hands-on learning

William Woods EDU

As an undergraduate education major you will be working in classrooms full of students with vastly different learning styles from kinesthetic or tactile learners — who understand best through movement — to auditory learners — who benefit most from listening and talking things through. Visual learners benefit from the opportunity to watch others create, and social […]


January 11th, 2017

Posted in Education At Work

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New report shares lessons we can learn from the best schools in the world

William Woods EDU

Half a century ago, the United States workforce was widely recognized as the best educated in the industrialized world. Today, studies show, it is found to be among the least. As bachelors in education students across the U.S. study and train to fill the gaps and work to resurrect the quality of education in our […]


September 6th, 2016

Posted in Education News

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Bachelor of education students prepare to close the student proficiency gap

William Woods EDU

How do you as an educator, determine if your student is “future ready”? In May, Achieve, a nonprofit, nonpartisan education reform organization, released the first “Proficient vs. Prepared” report. The analysis identified discrepancies between student proficiency rates reported by state tests and those reported by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) – otherwise known […]


February 29th, 2016

Posted in Curriculum Advances, Education News

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The need for Bachelors of Education students well trained in math and science

William Woods EDU

Ten thousand new jobs for math and science teachers across the United States. That was President Obama’s mandate back in 2010 when he partnered with various private and public organizations as part of the “Educate to Innovate” campaign, put in place to create more future jobs in the field of STEM (science, technology, engineering and […]


January 19th, 2016

Posted in Education At Work, Education News

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Bachelor and Masters students working at the forefront of teaching and technology

William Woods EDU

According to a 2014 survey done by Project Tomorrow, a national education nonprofit organization, one third of students in grades 3-5 and nearly one third of students in grades 6-12 say that they use a mobile device provided by their school to support schoolwork. Additionally, over a period of four years the percent of middle […]


January 12th, 2016

Posted in Curriculum Advances, Tech+

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Building global perspective and cultural awareness in the world of education

William Woods EDU

According to the most recent survey by The National Center for Education Statistics, the number of English language learners (ELL) in U.S. public schools increased by an estimated 300,000 from the year 2002 to 2013. More so, as a result of the most recent wave of immigration, classrooms in public schools across the U.S. are […]


December 18th, 2015

Posted in Education News

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Summer slide or summer sanctuary — the school calendar debate.

William Woods EDU

When it comes to something as fundamental as whether schools in Missouri and across America should change length of the school day and/or year, opinions tend to be strong and vary widely. Some have been making a case for extending school days and year-round-education for a decade or more, claiming that the current system is […]


June 16th, 2015

Posted in Curriculum Advances, Education News

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Future Makers: Speakers at SXSWEDU 2015

William Woods EDU

Missouri educators, school leaders and curriculum designers who could not attend  this year’s SXSWedu 2015 gathering in Austin Texas can still enjoy a glimpse of the four-day event — packed with presenters who impact and inspire the field of learning. SXSWedu is a component of the South by Southwest family of conferences and festivals that […]


May 14th, 2015

Posted in Education Conferences & Webinars

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