
Math curriculum needs a makeover and it’s up to education students to take action

William Woods EDU

According to the 2015 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), the average math score for U.S. students was 20 points below the international average math score. “Students are often good at answering the first layer of a problem in the United States,” said Andreas Schleicher, director of education and skills at the Organization for Economic […]


April 21st, 2017

Posted in Education At Work

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Educators celebrate Missouri Read-In Day

William Woods EDU

According to The Nation’s Report Card, a collection of National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) data, in 2015 a little over one third of fourth and eighth grade students performed at or above proficiency in reading. The National Center for Education Statistics shows that the average reading score of fourth and eighth graders in the […]


March 27th, 2017

Posted in School Leaders

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The chronic absenteeism crisis part 2: What can administrators do?

William Woods EDU

Students who are chronically absent in preschool, kindergarten and first grade are less likely to read at grade level by third grade, reports the Ad Council, and students who are not at reading level by third grade are four times more likely to drop out of high school. Furthermore, the Ad Council recently released a […]


March 10th, 2017

Posted in Education News

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The chronic absenteeism crisis part 1: What can educators do?

William Woods EDU

In June, the U.S. Department of Education released a report of the first national data set on chronic absence, revealing that over six million students — about 14 percent of the student population — missed 15 or more days of school in 2013-2014. The report also specifies that, although chronic absenteeism occurs in every grade, […]


February 22nd, 2017

Posted in Education News

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The mental health epidemic in schools, part 2: An educator’s role

William Woods EDU

In our last Look Into Education post, we discussed the mental health crisis that is sweeping across schools in the U.S. — with estimates of one in five children experiencing some type of severe mental illness in their life. We’ve discussed the role of education leaders in this crisis, however, in this post we will […]


December 30th, 2016

Posted in School Leaders

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The mental health epidemic in schools, part 1: An education leader’s role

William Woods EDU

According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, approximately 13 percent of children ages 8-15 experience a severe mental disorder at some point in their life, and for those ages 13-18 it is 21.4 percent. Over the past several months, NPR has been producing a special series called A Silent Epidemic: The Mental Health Crisis […]


December 28th, 2016

Posted in School Leaders

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The importance of bachelors in education students challenging gifted learners

William Woods EDU

“Keeping a child who can do sixth-grade work in a second-grade classroom is not saving that student’s childhood but is instead robbing that child of the desire to learn,” writes Ellen Winner, Professor and Chair of psychology at Boston College in her book, Gifted Children: Myths and Realities. According to a National Teacher Survey on […]


June 28th, 2016

Posted in Curriculum Advances

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