
The science of reading: Understanding what works in early reading instruction

William Woods EDU

Today there is a wealth of information and scientific research on how children learn to read. The science of reading has informed effective, evidence-based practices for how children should be taught to read. Yet even with the knowledge of what works when it comes to early reading instruction, some 68 percent of fourth-graders read at […]


January 21st, 2020

Posted in Education News, Reading Instruction

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The importance of bachelors in education students challenging gifted learners

William Woods EDU

“Keeping a child who can do sixth-grade work in a second-grade classroom is not saving that student’s childhood but is instead robbing that child of the desire to learn,” writes Ellen Winner, Professor and Chair of psychology at Boston College in her book, Gifted Children: Myths and Realities. According to a National Teacher Survey on […]


June 28th, 2016

Posted in Curriculum Advances

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Why preschool is important and how education students can get involved

William Woods EDU

Between 2011 and 2013 54 percent of U.S. children ages three to four were not attending preschool, according to the most recent survey by Kids Count Data Center, an organization that provides data on child and family well-being across the country. Furthermore, in Missouri, between 2011 and 2013, an estimated 56 percent of children age […]


June 1st, 2016

Posted in Education At Work

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