Tips for education students: how to spot and prevent “burnout”

As we approach the end of the academic year — when summer break is in sight but just out of reach — it is highly common for teachers, as well as education students, to start feeling burnt out, whether from managing a classroom of your own or closing out a challenging semester. If you begin […]
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Advice for education students: How to approach parent-teacher conferences

As a teacher, you want to see your students reach their full potential. As a parent, you want the same. You’re in this together. Interacting with the parents of your students should not be a dreaded confrontation, but a collaboration of minds fighting for the same goal. Here is some advice for bachelors in education […]
Posted in Education At Work, School Leaders
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2016 National Conference for Special Education held in St. Louis, Missouri

Bachelors of education students at William Woods University who have a passion for special education will have the unique opportunity to advance their knowledge of the field and grow as professionals through the upcoming 2016 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) National Conference held in St. Louis, Missouri from April 13-16. The event offers over 500 […]
Posted in Education Conferences & Webinars, Special Education
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Becoming part of a greater community; the importance of a socially inclusive school

How does a teacher in San Francisco help empower special education students by creating a more inclusive social and learning atmosphere? She uses a coffee cart. Using a cart to sell coffee and pastries to teachers in Lawton Alternative School, Sadie Guthrie assigned students in her special education class roles as baristas, cashiers and servers […]
Posted in Special Education
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The importance of education students teaching children computer skills

In a previous Look Into Education blog, we discussed the demand in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) jobs and the increase in educational programs to prepare students to fill these positions. That is, with the exception of computer sciences. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, computer science is the only STEM field […]
Posted in Curriculum Advances, Tech+
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Bachelor of education students prepare to close the student proficiency gap

How do you as an educator, determine if your student is “future ready”? In May, Achieve, a nonprofit, nonpartisan education reform organization, released the first “Proficient vs. Prepared” report. The analysis identified discrepancies between student proficiency rates reported by state tests and those reported by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) – otherwise known […]
Posted in Curriculum Advances, Education News
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3 helpful student teaching tips for bachelor of education students

In 2011 the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) did a survey of student teaching programs in the U.S. finding the experience to have a lasting impact on students’ long-term teaching careers. The survey states that, “a uniformly strong student teaching experience has the power to dramatically improve the vision of teaching excellence.” Here are […]
Posted in Books & Resources, Education At Work
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The prevalence of bullying in schools and how bachelors of education students can make a difference

According to a National Center for Educational Statistics survey, one out of four students in the U.S. reported being bullied during the 2013 school year. And with the increased use of social media and social sharing networks, bullying has moved beyond just school hallways into the online realm. The National Bullying Prevention Center noted that […]
Posted in Books & Resources, Education At Work
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The need for Bachelors of Education students well trained in math and science

Ten thousand new jobs for math and science teachers across the United States. That was President Obama’s mandate back in 2010 when he partnered with various private and public organizations as part of the “Educate to Innovate” campaign, put in place to create more future jobs in the field of STEM (science, technology, engineering and […]
Posted in Education At Work, Education News
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Bachelor and Masters students working at the forefront of teaching and technology

According to a 2014 survey done by Project Tomorrow, a national education nonprofit organization, one third of students in grades 3-5 and nearly one third of students in grades 6-12 say that they use a mobile device provided by their school to support schoolwork. Additionally, over a period of four years the percent of middle […]
Posted in Curriculum Advances, Tech+
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